210 Open Daily games
4 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Spider


Wed 26th Oct 13:57
Rent is Due Again rated  Great
I can't put my finger on it, but I love this board. Maybe I'm a sucker for Risky's theme and attention to detail. However, I just like how it plays. Like any apartment, the 'flaws' of the layout force you to make do with what you have and love the time you spend there, especially with friends. There are advantages, and disadvantages to your placement. This forces you to find different ways to make it your own.
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Sat 9th Feb 12:41
WarGear Warfare rated  Perfect
Classic board with various styles of play for various numbers of players. For a board that must be on this site, it is well constructed.
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Thu 30th Nov 17:13
Wheel of Gears rated  Good
Lots of fun to play with heavy fog. And I love the theme. I haven't decided if I like the large number of wild cards, yet. However, I think they keep this small board playing quickly. (Don't wait on playing cards, the sets come quickly and the army progression is slow.) As for the colors, try to avoid picking a dark color. I played as Asha'man and had a difficult time with some of the longer boarders. Thanks for thinking of WoT.
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